
Social Phobia and it's Natural Treatment

Social Phobia or in Latin terms Social Anxiety Disorder (SAD) is a mental disorder that tends to always feel excessive anxiety when in the middle of a social society environment. Generally, this happens to someone who suddenly experiences a sense of nervousness, until the hands tremble when dealing with others in their environment. In fact, we are human beings, have been created as social beings, where we need to live socially in our daily lives. Because in this world we live not alone, we live in society, where there are others who complement each other's lives.  If you feel that way, you don't have to worry. Because in this article, we will discuss from causal factors, characteristics to how to overcome social phobia.  Causes of Social Phobia Perhaps most people assume that social phobia is the same as anti-social. But the two terms are clearly different. Because this person who is anti-social, is a person who tends to be alone because they has their own world. In other hand,

What is Phobia?

Phobia is an excessive fear of something or phenomenon that for some other people it is common. But for a phobia sufferer, it becomes something terrible or even disgusting to see or feel.  Take an example, someone might see a balloon as a regular thing. But for a phobia sufferer, the balloon will look terrible so it makes him feel scared or restless if he sees the balloon, strange isn't it? What is Phobia? Definition of Phobia Everyone has fear, but it can be controlled. People with phobias will find it very difficult to control the fear, especially the fear of the object of phobia. The cause of phobia usually comes from a very extreme condition that results of trauma. But some also caused by hereditary and even cultural factors. If you already have phobias, then it will be very disturbing for you and probably will hinder the success of his life. There are two types of phobias in this world, they are social phobias and specific phobias Social phobia is the fear of being observed an

Allergic Rhinitis

Hay fever or allergic rhinitis is an inflammation that occurs in the nasal cavity due to an allergic reaction. Allergic rhinitis can be triggered by various types of allergens, such as pollen, dust, or animal fur. Allergic rhinitis is caused by an allergic reaction. The condition causes several symptoms, such as sneezing, itchy nose, and congestion. In addition, allergic rhinitis can also cause the appearance of rashes on the skin, red and watery eyes, as well as sore throats. Allergic rhinitis can be prevented by avoiding exposure to its triggering factors, such as dust or pollen. If symptoms of allergic rhinitis arise, the doctor may provide antihistamine and decongestant medications to relieve them. Symptoms of Allergic Rhinitis Each allergy sufferer can experience different symptoms. Symptoms usually arise immediately after the sufferer is exposed to allergic triggers (allergens). Some of the symptoms that can appear are: Colds or nasal congestion. Sneezing. The eyes feel itchy or

The Difference of Allergy and Flu

Flu is a disease caused by a viral infection. While allergies are immune system reactions to allergens (allergy-triggering substances), such as dust, animal fur, flower powder, or mites. Although different, both attack the respiratory tract so it can cause almost similar symptoms. Observe the symptoms Both flu and allergies cause sneezing, runny nose, and sore throat. However, there are a few things you need to pay attention to to distinguish between flu and allergies, including: 1. fever Flu often causes fever while allergies not. This happens because the virus begins to infect and causes inflammation of the body. Flu-induced fever will usually last for 3 or 4 days. 2. Mucus changes Both flu and allergies cause symptoms of runny nose, but the mucus that is produced will be different. Mucus (snot) due to the flu is initially colorless. In the third or fourth days, the color of the mucus will turn yellowish green and thicker. This is different from mucus due to allergies that are always

Definition of OCD (Obsessive Compulsive Disorder)

Obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD) is a mental disorder that causes the sufferer to feel the need to perform an action repeatedly. If not done, OCD sufferers will be covered in anxiety or fear. Obsessive compulsive disorder can be experienced by anyone. Although it occurs more often in early adulthood, OCD can also occur in children or adolescents. OCD sufferers sometimes realize that their thoughts and actions are excessive, but still feel they have to do so and cannot avoid it. Causes and Risk Factors of OCD The cause of OCD is not yet known for certain, but there are a number of factors that can increase a person's risk of experiencing OCD, namely: Suffer from mental disorders Have family members suffering from OCD Have experienced unpleasant events Symptoms and Diagnosis of OCD Symptoms of OCD are thoughts disorders that cause constant anxiety or fear, and behaviors that are performed repeatedly to eliminate that anxiety. For example, OCD sufferers who are afraid of getting a

7 Ways to Overcome OCD, Don't Be Underestimated!

Many people recently did not realize if they had obsessive compulsive disorder or often also known as OCD. It could be because they don't understand the signs of OCD, or even deny themselves the disorder. The International OCD Foundation (IOCDF) says that in the United States , 1 in 100 adults and 1 in 200 children have OCD. That's about 2 to 3 million adults and half a million children. OCD disorders themselves do have different severity, ranging from mild to severe. Severe OCD treatment should see a psychiatrist to undergo psychotherapy or take certain medications. But sufferers with mild symptoms, can still be cured by themselves.  How to Handle OCD There are 7 self-care measures that can overcome OCD in the experience: 1. Know the Triggers of OCD-Causing Anxiety To be able to overcome OCD, we must first know the early signs of suffering from OCD.  If we feel some of the signs that we often feel and do, think about how it could happen. Both thoughts and situations that make

Tunjangan Kinerja

Tunjangan kinerja  adalah tunjangan yang diberikan kepada Pegawai Negeri Sipil (PNS), berdasarkan capaian kinerja dari masing-masing pegawai. Pegawai (PNS) itu akan memperoleh tunjangan penuh jika tugasnya dapat diselesaikan sepenuhnya. Kalau pekerjaannya dilaksanakan tidak secara menyeluruh tentunya tunjangan kinerja  yang didapatkannya akan fluktuatif. Bisa turun, bisa naik. Tunjangan kinerja  itu tidak semata-mata diberikan secara penuh setiap bulannya, namun ada hitungannya. Prinsip yang harus dipahami adalah tunjangan kinerja  bisa naik, bisa turun, kenaikan tunjangan kinerja  tidak akan melebihi batasannya dan bisa turun sesuai kinerja yang dilakukan oleh pegawai. Prinsip dalam remunerasi PNS adalah pemberian tunjangan kinerja  kepada PNS didasarkan PADA jabatan serta kelas jabatan. Sistem remunerasi PNS harus berpegang pada merit system, yaitu penetapan besarnya tunjangan kinerja  harus berbasis kinerja, beban pekerjaan dan tingkatan setiap jabatan. Ada tiga unsur penil